MP3: Broder Daniel - What clowns are we

Another Broder Daniel track for Friday because, well... because I said so. And also because I have been thinking a lot about the qualities that makes them who they are. The melodies, of course, are paramount, as is their anthemic scope, but I also think that one of their strongest attributes is the inclusive language of the lyrics. It's "What clowns are we", not "What a clown am I" ("What clowns are you" would be an entirely different story). Henrik sings that we are all in this thing together. We feel down and out and unloved, but we are not alone, we all feel that way. It's not so much empathy as it's group therapy; no doubt that explains the legions of Pandas following the band. I think I've said it before, but I bet that if I had heard BD at a young, impressionable age, I'd be one of them too. As for the actual lyric sentiment in this, BD's final song, it's simple and to-the-point: We get older, but we're just as lost as we ever were. What always was, always shall be.

Broder Daniel - What clowns are we