Label: Shout Shout Shout

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Dogday - AM/PM EPDogday
Shout Shout Shout


No use sugarcoating it, this record isn't good. Furthermore, the free download version on their website is even worse. What's up with the useless splash page? And the background music you can't turn off? Gratuitous animation you can't skip? And then to download one track at a time? Oh, and don't try navigating to another page while it's working, it'll cancel out leaving you to begin the whole damn exercise all over again. What I'm saying is, don't bother. Sometimes free isn't really free.

As for what you're "missing", Dogday plays post-punkish indierock hampered by a weak vocalist and a lack of melody. They aim for detached cool and end up boring. The shit mastering job doesn't help, it's just as flat and lifeless as the songs. Avoid.
- Avi Roig