Jomi Massage
From where no one belongs, I will sing
Morningside Records

Jomi Massage transports you to the type of place that I like: a dark, claustrophobic, yet beautiful landscape. It is like stepping into a Tim Burton movie where he finally decided to wise up and let go of Danny Elfman. The range of emotion displayed is just as wide as film scores tend to be and goes from the sadly melancholic to happy-pissed off to depressingly lovelorn. The closest thing I could compare this to is the most depressing PJ Harvey records, but Jomi Massage also has a rock side that is sprinkled throughout the record. The music uses every instrumentation technique in the book, from a capella to straight rock to minimalist electronics. This is a very good record and effective, if a little too overproduced in parts, but certainly the type of record that I find pleasing to my ears.
- Simon Thibaudeau