MP3: Kristofer Åström - The dark

Week #2 of our Göteborg feature. This week's guest: Kristofer Åström. As with last week's post on Björn Kleinhenz, Kristofer was kind enough to answer a few questions about his adopted city.

How long have you lived in Gbg?

About 4 years. 3 years in the countryside outside of Gbg and 1 year in the city.

Where did you move from and why?

I moved from Stockholm after 9 years. That wasn't really my kind of town. I find Gbg easier to live in. And friendlier.

Favorite part of the city? Least favorite?

Haga and Linné are my favourites. Avenyn is the least favourite.

Do you think that there's a particular Gbg sound?

Yes I do. Can't really pinpoint it and I don't consider myself part of it, but there's something special about music from Gbg.

And how has the city inspired you?

It has brought me a lot of inspiring friends and a more active social life which has brought me a lot of ideas.

Today's featured track is "The dark" which comes off his most recent release "RainawayTown", the one album that topped my year-end list for 2007. It's also an album that could not have been made in any other city, as indicated by the title and yes, the sound. The distinction may be hard to pinpoint and Kristofer might even try to deny it, but I think it's true.

Kristofer Åström - The dark