MP3: We Live In Trenches - White knuckles

I make no secret of my allegiance to the sound of modern old-man hardcore. Give me a band full of dudes who are old enough to know better playing angry mid-tempo rock and chances are high I'll be stoked. And seeing as how We Live In Trenches just had a CD version of their album "Modern hex" released by , I figure it's due time I posted another track from them. I've actually been listening to the record a lot too, as I only semi-recently tracked down an affordable domestic copy of the vinyl and received a digital promo for easy gym-listening. Shame that bassist/vocalist Anna Knutsson recently parted ways with the guys though, as she provided a nice counterbalance to the male-dominance as well as a little something extra to distinguish them from other like-minded acts, but whatever -- life goes on and people gotta do their thing. Us guys still gotta blow off some steam as we age and get balder/fatter/slower/angrier.

We Live In Trenches - White knuckles