Top 10s for 2005: Erik Welén (Tiger Lou/Torpedo)

01. The Ark @ Umeå Open
Never really liked this band. At all. But they totally blew me away. I was drunk as hell because of Avi (I blame it all on you) but I think that I would have loved them even on a sober night.

02. American Dad
Best tv-show ever. Klaus is the best fish in tv history.

03. The Car Crash of February
It's should be on my hate list of 2005. But lots of good things have come out of it as well. A closer friendship with my bandmates and a new appreciation of life. And the final evidence for me that God's a joke.

04. Lungfish @ St Felui Festival
The beard. It's all about the beard.

05. The Da Vinci Code
It's a million years old by know but I still read it like it's the first time. I love this book.

06. Myspace @ Internet
Even though it's total corporate bullshit and sold out to Clear Channel or whatever evil major Christian company of your choice... it's still a nice billboard for bands.

07. Piratbyrån

08. Alarma Man @ Blow Up A Panda Festival
Best and loudest band on the festival.

09. Germany
Best country in the world. Even if they're stiff and boring it's still nice to get a chance to talk to people that actually care about you and your band(s).

10. Fredrik Holmgren @ Startracks
Fredrik prefers boxing. That's why I like him.


Erik plays bass for two very excellent bands: Tiger Lou and Torpedo. He is also a fun drunk.