Top 10s for 2005: Micke Orgel

Top ten greatest moments of 2005:

01. P3 Guld galan, award
When in a couple of hours you hear what's gonna be three of the ten best songs for 2005, it's got to be the best hours of the year!

02. Kent, concert, Malmö, Sweden
Sweden's greatest band gave us the greatest concert.

03. Hello Saferide - Introducing..., album
I didn't expect her album to be this great.

04. Kent - Du och jag döden, album
They did it again.

05. Laleh, artist
She's the breakthrough of the year.

06. Timbuktu - Live at Malmöfestivalen, Malmö
To hear "Alla vill till himlen men ingen vill dö" live was something I wanted to do again since his performance on P3 Guld galan.

07. Moneybrother - To die alone, album
With two hits on my Swedish songs 2005 top ten list, this album was one of the greatest this year.

08. Junip, artist
José González' band sounded better than I expected.

09. Elin Sigvardsson - Smithereens, album
Finally I can enjoy the song Claudia on my stereo.

10. It's a trap, website
Where else would I get all the news I write about on my blog?


Micke writes the excellent Swedish music blog "Micke Orgel goes live - Om svensk musik".