Video mix: Acid House Kings, Hello Saferide, The Hives, Meshuggah, Randy, Rough Bunnies, more...

Week #3 and still going strong...

Acid House Kings - 7 days
This pretty much sums up their live show. Fun, light-hearted and brilliant. (MG)

Laakso - Aussie girl
This is my favourite band to come out of Sweden in the last few years, and nothing they have done has disappointed me. Here's looking back to the first record in hopes that many, many more will come. (MG)

Hello Saferide - The quiz
Hello Saferide was always going be a hit for the heart for many with such songs as "Long lost penpal" and "San Fransisco" - but it took "The quiz" to really dispell any doubts there may have been: Hello Saferide is quality. The video is lo-fi - did MTV show it? Doubt it - hence why this is a smashing chance for you to enjoy. (JC)

The Hives - Main offender
Despite being considered by many to be hasbeens nowadays, I still believe The Hives are a great band and dammit, this is a great song. Oh, and a ridiculously good video, too. (AR)

Meshuggah - New millenium cyanide christ
Not all extreme metal bands take themselves 100% seriously. Despite making some of the most heavy, precise, intense music ever, Meshuggah still knows how to smile and laugh. The perfect low-budget video. (AR)

Randy - Shape up & Human atom bomb (live)
Dudes in skeleton suits bash out two great songs in under four minutes. Makes you understand why many consider 'em to be Sweden's greatest live band. The picture is pretty damn dark unfortunately, but the sound quality is pristine. (AR)

Rough Bunnies – Poppy Eye
This video could have been made by someone wanting to satirize Rough Bunnies being so lo-fi and twee, and the video is almost too cute and lo-fi, but I still love it. (ST)

Röyksopp - What else is there?
There is something in this decaying mess of a video that is just gorgeous. It just makes me want to daydream all day long. Here's to floating. (MG)

Sigur Rós - Untitled 1
This is the greatest music video of all time. Seriously, nothing can top this. It's the most purely beautiful thing I have ever seen in cinamatic form. (MG)

Silverbullit/Citizen Bird - Joy
Is it art? Or just an advert? Either way, it's still eye candy. (AR)

.:Who's who?

JC: Jason Christie
MG: Matt Giordano
AR: Avi Roig
ST: Simon Tagestam