Top 10s for 2006: Björn Kleinhenz

01. Winter Took His Life - When you said you headed home [I haven't been listening to a lot of new stuff this year but this is a truly a great song any year]

02. Karl Pilkington [Incomprehensible thinker on podcast together with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant]

03. Jonathan Safran Foer - Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close [Oskar Schell is the kind of guy you wish you were friends with when you were nine years old]

04. Nicole Krauss - The History of Love [I couldn't make up my mind so I let both Mr and Mrs stay on the list]

05. Lviv - Ukrainian city [Late September, amazing weather, six guys in a rented van, no pressure to do anything at all and a pack of smokes costs about 10 cents]

06. Kepner Treg [Person I spent most of my summer with locked up in a basement with the same name trying to create music. You annoying prick. Love you!]

07. M Ward - Chinese Translation [Video and song. My favorite is the really old guy!]

08. The Book Of Daniel - Songs for the Locust King [Best thing out of Sweden this year together with WTHL.]

09. V For Vendetta [I shaved my head. The film made me shave my head.]

10. Stereo Wonderland - Venue in Cologne, Germany [Eighty people on thirty hot hot square meters. It was an amazing evening. Thank you Stereo Inn!]


Björn is working on his third album at the moment. Ready for release sometime next spring.