Top 10s for 2006: Andrew (Aversionline/Blodårstid)

2006's Top 10 Reasons Not to Blow Your Face Off... depending on how you look at it, I guess... and in no particular order:

Katatonia, bless their hearts. And if you don't like 'em, stop reading and go on ahead and blow your face off, because there's nothing left for you to live for.

"Rocky Balboa". I know it doesn't hit theaters until December, but this is gonna be the movie of the year. "Borat" was great and all, but he's got squat on the Italian Stallion (Or is it "Stallyn"?).

Alec Baldwin exists.

• For me personally, finally buying "Murda Muzik" (starring Mobb Deep, of course)—quite possibly the finest cinematic experience in the history of all living things*—on DVD. 2006 was also the year in which I became eligible to state that I own every single Steven Seagal film on DVD (not including those in which he's not first-billed, mind you), so it was a huge year all around.

Kevin Federline's "Playing With Fire" (which I still think he should have titled "Fed Up"). I don't actually own this CD (yet), but it contains the lyric, "Put your middle fingers up if you really don't give a fuck," and I just can't argue with that kind of logic.

• Wal-Mart brings back the use of "Christmas" instead of "holiday", thus re-winning the favor of comedy guru Bill O'Reilly... (yet still "The War on Christmas" rages on!)

• All those "Farting Preacher" videos are still utterly amazing.

• The fact that I'm such a smartass and have such oddball tastes in music that no one knows whether or not I'm serious when I say that the new Alien Ant Farm CD is certainly among the finest albums of the year. (And yes, I am serious.)

"Walker, Texas Ranger—The Complete First Season" on DVD. 'Nuff said.

• Since this is It's a Trap and all... The Svetvas! Because, well... they're allegedly huge in Sweden!

*That was a lie. Everyone knows that "Rad" is the greatest movie ever made, so... it was both devious and uncouth for me to insinuate that there was even a remote possibility that "Murda Muzik" might be the finest cinematic experience in the history of all living things.


So says the author: My name is Andrew. I'm a nerd. I post "reviews" and such at Aversionline and Blodårstid. I sometimes post other ridiculous shit (much like the list above) at this other place. I also have a very tiny record label called Due Process, which will be releasing CD's that most people won't care about because they are dorks. Thank you, and goodnight