Caesars - Strawberry weedCaesars
Strawberry weed


When "Strawberry weed" is played in my iPod, the first association that comes to my mind is: Coldplay. This might be outlandish, but it's true. If we throw in some Beach Boys, Beatles and Rolling Stones, then we have a recognizable sound, describing Caesars' new album. I expected to hear something more rebellious and edgy, going more back to their hit "Jerk it out", but didn't. This isn't something you want to scream from the top of your lungs to at festivals, this is something more mature, and something you might want to listen to at a sunny day at the beach. The album consists of 24 songs, it's a double album and frankly, I ain't praising that, even if Ebbot Lundberg deserves admiration, doing a fine job producing this. My 'too much feeling' means that Caesars is that kind of band that can bore you, therefore one good, crammed CD could have been enough. However, in this case, "Strawberry weed", "Fools parade", "You nailed me" and "Boo boo goo goo", does it for me; they are catchy and, should we say, MTV material. But I still wonder why you want to throw in something such as "Solina": a 2:59 long, acoustic song, without César Vidal's easily broken but beautiful voice? It's a small pause in the middle of it all that gives me the feeling of a computer game. To the positive parts, the overall impression is that it makes me darn pleased that the band gives us something new, these dudes knows how to do it despite my words above, and let's face it, Caesars are Caesars and as in a salad, you will always get that little extra parmigiana that gives you a tasty experience and some energetic fuel in the end. "Boo boo goo goo" is a perfect example of that. In the end, after hours of listening somehow this poppy, indie sound gives me almost the same feeling as the beach boys, and it makes me say; Strawberry Field... you nailed me!
- Therese Buxfäldt