Broder Daniel
No time for us: 1989-2004

Broder Daniel are Swedish, very big in their homeland, and their music is quite unique although there are some obvious influences, such as Jesus & Mary Chain. They've released four albums, going from a crazy punk sound on their first album to a more mature and melodic sound on their last album "Cruel Town". But to be honest, it's all crazy nice. "No time for us" is quite an ingeniously compiled compilation, it appeals to almost everyone, whether you're a massive Broder Daniel fan or whether you just doesn't know where to start with them. The first CD is crammed with most of the best songs from Broder Daniel's back catalogue, but it's CD2 that made me drool over this release when I first got it (from my girlfriend's family - thank you very much!). On this one we get exclusive demo outtakes, and such, from the whole of Broder Daniel's career. It's great stuff of course, but mostly for fans and I wouldn't recommend it for anyone who doesn't love Broder Daniel. Best way to go about this must be to buy the CD, listen to the first one, fall in love with them, buy all their albums, dance a bit, cry a bit, and then go back to CD2 after you're pretty much down with the band. It's always baffled me how Broder Daniel never made it big outside Sweden, but then it might not have been their main concern (now I think they are more than happy with being one of the biggest bands in their country). Hopefully we get another one of these treats in ten years time after another four teen angst-ridden albums.
- Simon Tagestam