Top 10s for 2009: Jens Åker (Holy Ghost, ex-Trapdoor Fucking Exit/Java/Ashram)

Thanks for including me in this, it was fun!
So here goes, in almost no particular order:

01. Finally getting my shit together and working on music again.

02. Jesus Lizard @ Debaser. Old people rule.

03. Motorpsycho live and on record. Norwegian people rule.

04. Kenny's Corner @ Larry's Corner. Great bookstore for all your esoteric / non-fiction / music / weird phenomena needs.

05. Java cd is out.

06. Neil Young archives vol. 1. Very old, Canadian people also rule.

07. Making spiritual progress.

08. Re-discovering Govindas Ayurvedic, vegetarian restaurant.

09. Quintana having a healthy, beautiful baby boy. Newborn people rule.

10. Polvo re-uniting and releasing "In prism".

Jens' new project with fellow ex-TFE member Thomas Hedblom is called Holy Ghost and they are currently working on material and hoping to put something out in 2010. His old band Java released a retrospective disc on Dead Bird Records earlier this year.