Erik Enocksson - ApanErik Enocksson
Release the Bats


So, how does "Apan" sound, exactly? Like a mid-fi John Carpenter soundtrack with the odd bit of SunnO))) thrown in. There's not much else to be said, really. It's not as good as either, but it's a damn fine marriage that works and that holds attention for the duration of the album. This is Stockholm-based Erik Enocksson's third foray into the world of soundtracks, this time for the 2009 flick "Apan", directed by Jesper Ganslandt and, despite the fact that it's a contemporary film, the music is unashamedly ensconced in the low-to-mid budget horror of the '70s and '80s. Its adherence to that aesthetic ensures that it is both eerie and unsettling, much like Carpenter's early works and quite unlike Erik's previous efforts. There's something quite odd about this, too, which is as much down to the production as the composition. Original? No. Entertaining? Absolutely.
- John Norby