GAFFA-Prisen DK 2011

Here are the domestic winners of Gaffa Denmark's annual GAFFA-Prisen:

Album: Malk de Koijn - "Toback to the fromtime"
Band: Malk de Koijn
Female Artist: Oh Land
Male Artist: L.O.C.
Newcomer: Kato
Hit: Fallulah - "Out of it"
Music Video: Veto - "Am I awake or should I wake up" (dir: Rasmus Weng Karlsen)
Rock Album: Veto - "Everything Is Amplified"
Pop Album: Oh Land - "Oh Land"
Hip-hop Album: Malk de Koijn - "Toback to the fromtime"
Hard Rock Album: Hatesphere - "The great bludgeoning"
Electronic Album: Kato - "Discolized 2.0"

Go here for the full list: