Artist: Tremoro Tarantura

Viewing posts 1-4 out of 4

Bransjevelter 7 sampler

The first taste of the upcoming "Bransjevelter 7" comp, coming out July 7 via . Note the new Tremoro Tarantura track which features Andreas Larssen from Deathcrush on drums and Zweizz on bass. Recommended!

Tremoro Tarantura - Vayyns

New from Tremoro Tarantura off the upcoming "Avaleeches" EP, due out late 2011/early 2012 via and featuring special guest, fellow Norwegian noise artist Concept.Virus. Recommended!

Tremoro Tarantura - Escapadarius thrashcant 7″Tremoro Tarantura
Escapadarius thrashcant 7″
Circusia Recordings


I'm not usually a big proponent of drone/noise music delivered via the self-imposed limits of a 7", but since these two cuts both have a heavy rhythmic/cult vibe and go straight for intensity over distance, I think it works. Make that one cut actually, the flip is exactly that: a backwards version of the a-side "Ill grande architheft" redubbed "Tfehtihera ednarg lli" ala Napoleon XIV's classic "They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!" single. Anyhow, much like Tremoro Tarantura's previous material, the music here is primarily constructed of mutant noise looping over steady pounding and devilish mutterings, bound together by uneasy chromatic melodies, but without the slow burn afforded by lengthier formats. It rips right through and then it's over, only to flip, rewind and start all over again. All designed to leave you wanting more, I suppose. I know I do.
- Avi Roig

MP3: Tremoro Tarantura - Traumarium

Can't say that I know much about Tremoro Tarantura, but that's fine -- I almost prefer my psych/drone artists to be mysterious recluses. Keep it all in yr head where it belongs. What I do know is that I'm way into this. Looping, open-chord guitar figures build and mutate as the voice of Zweizz mutters distorted curses under the surface, all while the drums keep pounding away until it eventually arrives at peak white noise/black metal dissolution. Much like The Goner, another favorite mining similar turf, Tremoro Tarantura shows that modern drone minimalism does not need to be ambient. My advice: listen loud.

Tremoro Tarantura - Traumarium